What Is Covered Under California’s Used Car Lemon Laws?

Published On: 2018-08-28 | Lemon Law

Buying a new car is a huge investment and it needs a considerable amount of money. And not everyone can afford such a big investment. Due to this, getting a used car in good condition will usually be a satisfactory decision which will serve your needs. You need to call a qualified car inspector to help you in the matter and understand the real state of the vehicle. And if you are getting a used car in California, you can get the benefits of California’s used car lemon laws when your vehicle is still under manufacturer warranty. For instance, if you buy a certified, pre-owned car, van, SUV, truck or any other vehicle, and it still possesses a manufacturer’s warranty, it’s a lemon vehicle and is eligible to obtain the state and the federal lemon law benefits. What To Expect From California’s Lemon Law? The lemon law for a used car in California offers safety to people who purchase or lease any kind of used vehicle which still comes under manufacturer’s factory warranty. The law even covers the demonstrator’s vehicles and the new vehicles which were bought under the law and then sold to someone else with the warranty It provides a
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Why Take A Used Car For Inspection Before Buying It?

Published On: 2018-08-25 | Used Car Inspection

Most often than not, people have such questions relating the used car they are about to buy. Why exactly should they spend a bit of their earnings in a process which may not mean anything? And also, is used car mechanic inspection a necessary requirement before they buy a vehicle? For all these questions, read along to get the best answers: About The Necessity Of Car Inspection No, used car inspection in Los Angeles or anywhere else is not a necessity. It completely depends on the type of person who wishes to buy a used car from some private seller or a dealer. However, if you ask the experts, they would rather suggest getting the vehicle inspected before buying it, if you do not wish to face any major future troubles. About The Importance Of Car Inspection: Vehicles that have covered at least some distance, could be subjected to a number of damages.  And not only those which travel, but even those get damaged which stay stationary for an extended time. For instance, you could be buying a car from a vehicle owner who happens to live in a rainy or snowy region. And if the car has been subjected
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Lemon Laws In California For Used Car Purchases

Published On: 2018-08-23 | Lemon Law

If you are about to purchase a used car from a person or a dealer or have already purchased a used car in California, there’s good news for you. You are actually protected under California’s Lemon Law which covers all kinds of pre-owned or used vehicles, as long as your vehicle possesses an active warranty from the dealer or the manufacturer. However, since different manufacturers have distinct warranty guidelines, Lemon laws are not too specific on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis. Therefore, we have brought for you a brief guide to know California’s used car lemon law better and understand whether your vehicle is protected by the law or not. The Types of Vehicles Covered According to California’s lemon laws, if the car owners purchase their vehicles for family or personal uses, they are eligible for  protection against faulty manufacturing. The law will also provide protection for a commercial vehicle if: The gross weight of the vehicle is below 10,000 pounds and The business owners have less than or equal to 5 vehicles registered under their name. These vehicles include anything from cars, trailers, SUVs, trucks, and watercraft etc. All such used vehicles should possess an active warranty in order to qualify
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How to choose used car inspection agency

Published On: 2018-04-23 | Used Car Inspection

If you are looking for independent vehicle inspection services to inspect a used car, you can find many who boast of offering the finest services ever. However, you need to trust only the best among the lot and the ones who are truly reliable. You can find lots and lots of such services on the internet but the point is, who is absolutely the best for the job? Here are some important points as tips, which could help you choose the best used car inspection services in an effortless manner: Qualifications And Experience One of the most important things that differentiate between a reliable and non-reliable person is their qualifications. For instance, if you wish to get a used car inspection in Los Angeles, you need to get assistance from ASE-Certified car inspectors only. Also, look for the amount of experience they hold against their name. The more their experience is- the better the chance of getting a high-quality car-inspection service. Online Presence, Credentials And References: Most of the reliable car inspection services would possess a worthy online website, which is helpful for the customers to know more about them. Also, these websites could provide information about the acclamations and credentials of
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How To Identify Car Exhaust Problems?

Published On: 2018-04-04 | How Tos

Lack of proper maintenance and not offering timely servicing could subject a vehicle to certain issues, and you may experience the symptoms while driving it. Car Exhaust Problems are one of those troubles which can kill the performance and ability of a vehicle a great deal. However, if you identify the exhaust problems signs early and take proper measures, your vehicle can provide you with years of reliable service. All such exhaust problems need to be identified when the vehicle undergoes a used car inspection, so that the next buyer of the used car faces no serious troubles in the future car exhaust. Problems can also lead to the vehicle being unsuitable to register or license in certain states or countries outside of the U.S. Here are some signs and symptoms of car exhaust problems: Very Noisy Exhaust An excessively loud, noisy exhaust sound is the first and foremost sign that your car could be having exhaust issues. For instance, if the exhaust manifold gasket in the vehicle turns faulty, it leads to a leakage in the exhaust which causes a tapping or hissing sound. The sound may be slight and almost undetectable in the beginning. But afterwards as the
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How To Fix Car Battery, Charging and Ignition System Problems?

Published On: 2018-03-05 | How Tos

Diagnosing the Battery, Charging, & Ignition System Your car’s battery is similar to a small powerhouse which stores enough to power your gauges, lights, accessories and electronic systems. But as is the function of other vehicle components, this system may also experience troubles in its working course. For instance, have you encountered troubles such as: Flickering gauges Blurred headlights Dead battery, etc. Any or all of these conditions in your vehicle could signify a weak charging system. And this is not all that the charging system does to your vehicle. Apart from the lights and other electrical systems, it also powers every electrical and  electronic system in your car while the vehicle is running. Therefore, charging system troubles in your vehicle could lead to various grave consequences such as leaving you stranded without the battery power needed for the engine to start and run. However, if you know the symptoms of your vehicle, you could easily find ways to mitigate and rectify the charging system troubles that your vehicle experiences. Some of the common charging system troubles which are prominently encountered are as follows: Battery Is Found Dead Every Morning: No matter how much you charge it- when you try
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Why You Need Only An ASE-Certified Mechanic For Vehicle Repairs

Published On: 2018-01-04 | Used Car Inspection

Buying a car is normally a big expense. So when buying a used car, consulting car inspection service before buying any kind of vehicle is generally an obligatory aspect. And whether you buy a used car or need minor or major vehicle repairs, ensuring to consult the best professionals for your needs is critical. How do you do this? Well, for used car mechanic inspection and repairs, people generally look for ASE-certified technicians. ASE stands for ‘Automotive Service Excellence’ and this organization offers credentials to the vehicle technicians, who hold a certain level of expertise in their job. And due to this, consulting only ASE-certified mechanics is essential for your vehicle repair needs. Apart from these, there are several other reasons to consult the certified professionals, which are as follows: Credentials Define The Capability: These certifications are not handed to just any kind of person. An individual requires at least 2 years of experience in the field and Master ASE Automotive Technicians need to master 8 areas of the automotive mechanical field including transmissions, manual drive trains, suspension and brakes, electrical system, engine performance, air conditioning and heating, Certifications Are Not Once-For-Ever: After the technician passes the certification, this is valid for
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How To Determine Accidental Damages In The Used Car You’re Buying

Published On: 2017-12-28 | How Tos

Do not consider this an overstatement if you are told to get assistance from the independent vehicle inspection services of your region. For instance, if you reside in Los Angeles and wish to buy a pretty used car from a local seller or dealer, it is essential to get a pre-purchase inspection in Los Angeles. But why do you need this? This is mandatory since you would always wish to get a proper return for your invested bucks and also stay safe with the vehicle you purchase. Besides, the car inspectors would also inform you of all the conditions, including whether or not the car has suffered some accidental damages in the past. Would you agree to buy a car that suffered serious accidental damages? Tough call, it could be, but most buyers would prohibit such a case. However, when the vehicle emerges refurbished and repainted from a professional shop, it is not easy to know the extent of damages it suffered. The car inspectors could assist in such a case. Here are some methods which the experts use to determine whether or not a car has suffered accidental damages: Color Test:This is probably one of the important considerations. The
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Rough Idling Of Car Engine & Militating The Conditions

Published On: 2017-12-12 | How Tos

How pleasurable an experience it is- sitting absolutely idle at your favorite place with a few companions beside you to chatter. The word ‘idle’ sounds too interesting until it comes to define the condition of your car’s engine. Yes, the engine of your car too sits idle and when the idle turns rough, it signifies some definite troubles in the vehicle, which need to be identified and rectified at their earliest. What Is Rough Idling In A Car Engine? Idling is the process in which the engine of your vehicle is running slowly but the vehicle itself is not in motion. This kind of running of the engine is generally seen when the vehicle stops at the red light, when the engine is first started, during parking or even when the vehicle stops in traffic. And if we talk of rough idle, you would experience your car engine running rough and bouncy. There may also be some noises arising from it. This rough idling or rough running could be caused due to a number of troubles and the fixes that it requires could also range from quick to very serious, from inexpensive to a very pricey issue. Therefore, it is
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Common Noises From Your Vehicle’s Engine And Mitigating Them

Published On: 2017-12-06 | How Tos

Your dearest vehicle is your foremost pride and any kind of noise arising from it could be a highly disturbing scenario. And you ought to know that a noise from the vehicle’s engine could mean anything. In some cases, the engine noises could be fixed with just a slight tune-up, while others may require a complete overhaul of the part and demands lot more investment than the former. This is why any kind of noise from your car’s engine should be taken seriously so that it does not turn a big-time trouble in the future. Kinds Of Noises From Your Vehicle Car Engine Noises could be of the following types: Clicking or Ticking Noise Squealing Noise Popping Noise Pinging or Knocking Noise Noise during accelerating the vehicle Roaring noises while idling Let us see all these noises in a bit detail: Clicking Or Ticking Sounds: These kinds of sounds are generated from the reciprocating parts of the vehicle such as valve lifters, piston or connecting rods when the engine is in operation. If any such noises occur from your vehicle too, listen to them and try to analyze the cause. For instance, when your car makes a groaning or clicking
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